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Patricia Geadelmann

     Patricia (“Pat”) Geadelmann was a woman to match the moment.  She joined the Laboratory School’s Department of Physical Education in 1972—the very year the Title IX amendment to the Education Acts passed Congress, delivering words that would change the face of school and college athletics.

     The law’s language was clear: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”


     That meant that almost all U.S. schools (early childhood to university) had to provide fair and equal treatment of the sexes in every area, including athletics. Geadelmann became a state and national beacon for equality in girls’ and women’s athletic programs during her dozen years at the Lab School. “We were supposed to be a model school, so we were supposed to lead,” she (modestly) explains.


“We Wanted to Compete”


     Geadelmann was born on December 12, 1947 in Tipton, Iowa, and graduated from Tipton High School in 1966. That fall she entered what was then called the State College of Iowa (UNI) and chose the teaching of physical education as her major.


     “Even in college I was interested in women’s sports,” she recalls decades later. “We wanted to compete.” Geadelmann participated in extramural field hockey, playing Iowa State University and Luther College among other teams. She played extramural volleyball and basketball as well.


     She chose to student teach at the Lab School in the fall of 1969. Under the supervision of Marshall Schools, she taught both elementary and secondary physical education classes and also health education. “Hardly any schools had P.E. five days a week; some schools had no P.E. for kids,” Geadelmann notes. “I wanted to teach at the Lab School because it had the five days a week of P.E. I thought it was the best place in the state.”


     The school layout, however, brought challenges. “It was a challenge because there were always two classes going on in the Field House,” she says. “However, Marshall Schools wanted every student to be active. One of the advantages of the Lab School was that we had enough balls for all the students to use. I thought it was ideal. Student teaching made me want to be a teacher.”

First Job


     Five schools sought to recruit Geadelmann even before she graduated from UNI in 1970, including schools in Vinton and Cedar Rapids. She chose Eagle Grove High School in Iowa—once more because it offered physical education every day. Geadelmann was the sole instructor of girls’ P.E. at Eagle Grove, teaching grades 10, 11, and 12. “The girls had to wear a yellow one-piece uniform for P.E.,” she recalls. “The kids hated them.”


     Geadelmann advised the cheerleaders for the “very good” boys’ wrestling team (coached by the boys’ P.E. teacher). However, the school had only one girls’ team—in golf. Geadelmann wished to begin co-ed P.E. classes, and she succeeded in teaching the girls to wrestle. The boys participated with the girls in the folk dancing classes she led.


     “Collaboration” was the touchstone throughout Geadelmann’s career, and she demonstrated it (and her progressive vision) with an innovative gymnastics unit at Eagle Grove. “Self-Directed Learning,” was the title of Geadelmann’s September 1971 article in the Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation which opens with this declaration: “Abandoning the traditional, authoritarian approach to teaching skills, the physical education department at Eagle Grove High School . . . gave full responsibility for the determination of their gymnastics unit structure to the girls themselves.”


     On day one of the three-week gymnastic unit, Geadelmann asked her female students to choose which of 4 possible approaches they wished to follow:


1) Working as a single unit, with the entire class progressing together from skill to skill, apparatus to apparatus;


2) Working in squads, rotating among the apparatus to learn prescribed skills;


3) Working individually to meet skill requirements for a particular letter grade; or


4) Working independently on individually determined goals.

     Interestingly, all six girls P.E. classes—which ranged from 29 to 36 students in size—chose the fourth approach: to work independently on individually set goals. (P.E. classes met daily for 53 minutes.)


     During the first three class periods, each girl documented her present skills on each apparatus on prepared sheets that listed the various skills. “This constituted a record of accomplishment plus an incentive for learning new skills,” Geadelmann explained. On the fourth day, each girl set her goals for the end of the unit and wrote them on a sheet of paper prepared for this purpose:

“Once all goals were recorded, it was the individual student’s responsibility to reach her goals by the end of the unit, utilizing all available resources. Students were encouraged to learn the new skills any way they possibly could.


Resources available included:




(1) 32 super 8 loop films;


(2) books from the school library and the instructor’s personal library;


(3) mimeographed material;


(4) other students in the class; and


(5) the instructor.


Safety was stressed at the beginning of the unit, and students were required to have a partner and spotters when actually working on skills. The students enjoyed the opportunity to work independently, but they found they could be of tremendous help to each other.


Students completed a self-evaluation form at the end of the unit. Their response was very favorable; they clearly enjoyed the opportunity to share in decision making and to accept responsibility.” 

Geadelmann wrote that “It was a thrilling experience for the teacher to watch the variety of work going on simultaneously.” One student wrote: “Although I met few of my goals, I got a lot out of this course. Now I enjoy gymnastics, whereas before I hated it; and I have improved very much in the past two weeks over what I could ever do before.”

The Lab School Calls


     “I had actually signed a contract at Eagle Grove for a third year when I got a call from the Lab School,” Geadelmann says of the year 1972. The school wished to add a third position in girls’ P.E.—a colleague for Marshall Schools and Mardelle Mohn.


     At the Lab School, Geadelmann taught six out of the seven class hours each day—three elementary and three secondary classes. Joan Duea, who taught Lab School first, second, and third graders, recalls Geadelmann’s clear teaching style: “The children would know from the beginning of the year what was expected of them. They knew that the game rules and behaviors followed would allow more time for fun. As a teacher, I knew my students would get a workout that would be safe and healthy.”


     The P.E. Department’s strength, Geadelmann says, lay in the diversity of its curriculum: “We did things that were nontraditional, like cross-country skiing, bowling, and repelling, the last with the help of the National Guard. All students received two units of Health Education, and we had enough equipment for all.”


     Geadelmann encouraged other P.E. programs to follow the Lab School’s lead in her Spring 1977 article in the Iowa Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation titled “A New Physical Education —Compliments of the Community.” She urged Iowa P.E. programs to draw on community resources and experts: “Finding ways to share community and school resources will result in an enrichment for all involved.”


     On her arrival in 1972, the Lab School fielded girls’ teams in track and tennis only, while pursuing some extramural girls’ basketball, volleyball, and soccer. In 1973, a girls’ swimming team was launched, and, in 1974, an official girls’ basketball team, followed by girls’ softball and volleyball teams in 1979. The floodgates opened for Lab School  girls’ athletic teams.


     Geadelmann began coaching the girls’ swimming and tennis teams in 1974. Both teams were “pretty good” and went to state, she says: “Our competition was Cedar Falls High School and West High School in Waterloo. All our swimmers did multiple events. Our kids got opportunities that students at the larger schools did not receive.”




     Geadelmann early on served as an advocate for women, even as an undergraduate at UNI. During the close of her junior year, she ran to become the President of the university’s Associated Women Students—and won. Her presidency, during her senior year, placed her at the heart of the complete transformation—in most cases, the ending—of women students’ required dormitory hours. (Male students had no campus hours and could stay out as late as they wished, while women students in the 1960s had to be back in their dorms by 11 p.m. on week nights and 1 a.m. on weekends.)


     In recognition of Geadelmann’s leadership, her mother, Leora, was named UNI’s 1970 Mother of the Year. The next year Iowa Governor Robert Ray appointed Geadelmann to the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women. She served on the Commission for the next sixteen years, the last nine as Chair.


More Education and Title IX


     Once at the Lab School, Geadelmann quickly sought more education to enrich her knowledge and skill. She completed her Master’s Degree at the University of Iowa in 1974, her thesis titled “Sex Role Stereotyping in Attitudes of Elementary School Children Toward Participation in Sports Activities.”


     “I was just trying to open people’s eyes,” she says.


     Professional development leaves of absence in 1974-1975 and 1978 brought her doctoral degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She enlarged her Iowa research for this work. Her dissertation was titled “Sex Equality in Physical Education Programs of Selected NCA [North Central Association] Accredited Iowa High Schools.” Here Geadelmann studied 12 high schools within a 100-mile radius of Cedar Falls, a proportional sample of four large schools, four middle-size schools, and four small schools.


     Athletics turned out to be the most controversial of all the Title IX program areas. This rose, as Geadelmann pointed out in a 1980 article in Quest, from “traditional social views of appropriate roles for each sex and on myths and misconceptions of the physical abilities of females.” So vast were the changes required—and so nuanced—that, after passing Title IX in 1972, Congress set three years more to develop the regulations. Once President Ford approved the guidelines in 1975, elementary schools were given one year to comply and secondary and post-secondary schools up to three years (until July 1978) to implement these new rules for equality in sports and in physical education.


     Geadelmann helped schools navigate the new 1975 rule prohibiting the separation of P.E. classes by sex (save for classes in sex education and a few specific contact sports). In an article in the Iowa Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Journal she outlined how schools could include co-educational contact activities in their programs, focusing on what she called “Combatives and Self-Testing” and classes in Wrestling and Self-Defense. The foundation for combative activities should begin in the first grade with attention to strength development, she said:

“This has been under-emphasized in particular with girls in their arm and shoulder girdle strength. At the same time it is important to foster a spirit of intensity that includes consistently putting forth full exertion of effort. Girls may need special encouragement in this area.”

     Geadelmann pointed out that units in combatives and self-testing offer opportunities to teach principles of leverage, gravity, balance, and application of force. After sharing resources for such activities, Geadelmann stressed that they are “appropriate for regular use in elementary and junior high and for occasional use as part of warm-up activities in senior high.”


     Geadelmann suggested co-ed wrestling classes for upper elementary and junior high students and noted that “Wrestling” could be offered as a co-ed elective in senior high. Class objectives would involve learning and demonstrating basic moves of offense and defense, including take downs, holds, escapes, counters, and the role of the referee’s positioning. “Wrestling provides unique opportunities and outcomes for self-development not offered by most other sports,” Geadelmann explained. “These include the experience of pitting one’s full physical force against that of another. Self-testing, leverage, body control, body awareness and body mechanics are all important outcomes.”


     Noting that classes in “Self-Defense” in the past had been offered to girls as an alternative to “Wrestling,” Geadelmann suggested that Title IX meant opening both courses to all. She called for “Self-Defense” courses in the early high school years as not only providing valuable physical activities in themselves, but also as ways to build self-confidence and raise issues of date/acquaintance rape and sexual harassment.


     Reporting the results of a questionnaire on co-ed P.E. classes given to all Lab School 7-12 students in the 1976-77 and 1977-78 school years, Geadelmann revealed that many students commented that co-ed P.E. classes were more fun than segregated classes and that improved male-female relationships were a result.


     In other articles, Geadelmann urged educators not to fall into the traps of differential treatment of the sexes within co-ed P.E. classes—even if well meant. Such practices included requiring boys to do push-ups from their toes, but girls from their knees; expecting boys to run 1.5 miles, but girls only 1 mile; forbidding boys from shooting baskets outside a designated perimeter or awarding three points for each girls’ basket, but 2 points for boys’; and requiring a girl to hit the volleyball at least once before it crossed the net. “Even with the best of intentions, the underlying message to the female can be: ‘You aren’t good enough to participate and compete on a regular basis.’ . . .The boys are additionally disadvantaged in such situations by not being allowed to play to their full potential in a game.”


     Indeed every aspect of athletics required reexamination in terms of equality of opportunity. This meant more than just equal opportunity for teams, equipment, and travel. “Are both sexes on the cheerleading squad, and do both boys and girls sports receive equal support from the cheerleaders?” Geadelmann asked in a 1978 article. “The generation of school spirit should not be a single sex expectation or responsibility.”


     Scholarships also mattered which led Geadelmann to challenge Iowa’s holy grail of girls’ six-player basketball. “Will Iowa girls be disadvantaged in the competition for basketball scholarships by girls from other states who play the same five-player rules in high schools that are played at the college and international levels?” Geadelmann asked in 1976. Furthermore, this hoary tradition kept the girls from playing with the boys. (The change to Iowa girls’ five-player basketball did not come until 1993.)


     In the era when the language itself (as it expressed sex roles) was undergoing massive overhaul, Geadelmann found herself alerting educators to needed changes. Equal opportunity athletic programs meant more now than “man-to-man defense” or the “three-man weave.” Certain elementary games, like “Old Mother Witch,” needed thoughtful re-imagining. “I was very very sensitive to sexist language,” Geadelmann says. “My students would joke that I should change my name to Pat ‘Geadelperson’.”


     Turning to the big picture in a paper presented at the Title IX Conference on Physical Education and Athletics held in 1978, Geadelmann offered educators a three-step path to “Developing a K-12 Non-Sexist Physical Education Curriculum.” Step one was to sit down and re-evaluate the philosophy of the school’s physical education program, “not for boys, not for girls, but for students.” Step two, activity selection, would derive from that philosophy: 

Activities might include arm and leg wrestling or seeking to push or pull a fellow student off a mat.

“By the third and fourth grades, units in combatives and self-testing should become a regular part of the curriculum. Many such activities involve partner work. Pairing by size and rotating partners by size provide for fairness in the challenge activity and allows for participation in mixed-sex groupings. Starting at a young age can serve to prevent and counter stereotypes which might develop.”

“the curricular components will . . . have to be reassessed in terms of the percentage of time to be devoted to team sports, individual and dual sports, rhythms, aquatics, outdoor recreation, etc. . . . Social values vs. recreational skills vs. specific sports skills development are all tracts with varying implications. The role of physical fitness in the program will also have a bearing on activity selection.”

     Step two called for the publication of the P.E. curriculum in a printed program and then its continued monitoring (by time spent, staff and resource commitment, student and staff evaluations, and other measures) during step 3, the “practiced program.” Geadelmann insisted that: “Philosophical decisions will need to be made with regard to the relative importance of various objectives: high level skill in a variety of sports, recreational skills for lifetime participation, competitive skills, responsibility and cooperation skills, positive attitude toward participation, etc. The delineation of these may require extensive dialog and discussion among the staff members to arrive at a consensus.”


     Geadelmann called for post Title IX P.E. teachers to be prepared to teach the full range of activities. “Whether true equality will be separate, together, or some combination of the two is a question that we need to carefully consider as we shape the future of athletic programs in this country,” she advised. It wasn’t a matter of stealing from Paul to pay Paula, she claimed, but the fundamental right of equality of opportunity: “The spirit of Title IX is reflected in attitudes which affirm individual interests and abilities and which promote the realization of individual potential. The sex of the individual becomes irrelevant.”


     Geadelmann consolidated her work in the 1977 book Equality in Sport for Women. She conceived the volume and co-authored it with Christine Grant, Yvonne Slatton, and N. Peggy Burke. The book served as a timely guidebook for schools, states, and individuals, with Geadelmann writing the Introduction and four of the book’s nine chapters.


     In her encouraging Introduction, she wrote: “We have all faced issues on which we did not agree and have experienced that which we felt wrong or unjust. But in those inequitable situations we have often been hesitant to rebel. Most often we have held our tongues and persevered. The days of silence and suppressed protest are beginning to disappear . . . . This book [is] written to provide the public with the tools to ‘speak up’ against discrimination, to ‘speak up’ for equality. Defining equality, knowing the laws of its enforcement, understanding the court procedures, realizing the avenues for change, and committing oneself to action are all essential tools addressed within this text.”


     In Chapter II, “How Can I Determine if Equality Exists?”Geadelmann offers a checklist for determining equality in P.E., recreation, and athletic programs—and in employment as it related to these programs. The checklist includes 20 questions regarding Employment Conditions; 27 questions related to P.E. classes; 11 questions on Recreational Opportunities; and 32 questions regarding Athletics. “In cases where disparity exists, whether the deprived sex be male or female, the institution is practicing a form of discrimination which is illegal,” Geadelmann stressed. “The burden of responsibility for remedying the disparity and eliminating the discrimination is upon the institution.”


     In Chapter III, “What Does the Law Say?” Geadelmann walks the reader through the current federal laws and regulations, including the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (as amended by the Education Amendments of 1972); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended by the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and the Women’s Educational Equity Act of 1973. Turning then to state laws and regulations, she points out that “In many cases, states still carry laws on the books that have become invalid because of federal legislation.” For instance, Title VII of 1964 supersedes any state laws which distinguish between men and women in pay scales, in job opportunities, or in fringe benefits.


     “Knowing whether the legislature has the statutory power to determine educational policies or whether the regulations are established by a state board of education or state department of public instruction is essential to plan for means of effecting change,” Geadelmann advised. “A further determination to be made within each state is the relationship between the high school athletic association and the State Department of Public Instruction.”


     Geadelmann also wrote the book’s chapters on “Court Precedents,” and (not surprisingly) on “Sex Role Stereotyping.” With its helpful Appendices providing state-by-state laws; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regional offices’ addresses; the Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form; the complete Title IX Guidelines; and useful addresses and phone numbers—this book needs only to be updated to be as valuable today as in 1977.


     Linking the problems of sex discrimination with those of racial discrimination, Geadelmann insisted that “we have the ability to contribute to the solution of such problems.” Her declaration below in 1977 seems, in 2023, perhaps overly hopeful and sure:

“Whether we accept the responsibility to enact the philosophy of equality or wait for a court to dictate enactment of philosophy is a choice we all have. We can make a significant difference if we choose to do so, and the difference can be made today rather than several tomorrows hence. We can decide for ourselves or have the court decide for us. In any case it seems likely that the concept of equality will prevail and that actions of discrimination will disappear. It is indeed merely a matter of time. It should be remembered, however, that our students have a limited amount of time, and to deny them an educational opportunity may affect them for a lifetime.”

     Geadelmann admits (when pressed) that it wasn’t always smooth sailing at the Lab School in respect to the seismic Title IX changes. Several of the male Lab School P.E. faculty brought a military style to their work, where the students were required to stand at attention and count off for calisthenics. These colleagues offered some resistance to co-ed P.E. and sports and, Geadelmann recalls, some girl students felt inhibited and self-conscious.


     But not all the male P.E. faculty resisted change and Geadelmann says that Dr. Ross Nielsen, Director of the Laboratory School and Head of the Department of Teaching, and Lab School High School Principal Dr. James Albrecht “were always supportive.” In 1981, when she was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Women in the nation for her civic and professional achievements, Geadelmann told the press: “I feel very fortunate that I have been able to pursue so many of my interests while I have been [at UNI and the Lab School]. Ross Nielsen has been very supportive of my pursuing so many of the activities that I am interested in. Five years ago I would have never guessed that I would have done all the things that I have been able to do in these last few years.”


New Chapters


     At the time of this national award given in Washington D.C. by the Federation of Women’s Clubs, Geadelmann had already received many honors and appointments:

* a Certificate for Devoted Service from the National Association for Girls and Women in Sports (1976);

* Election to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Commissions for Women (1977])

* Appointment as Iowa’s representative to President Ronald Reagan’s Fifty States Project on Women (1980);




* the 1981 Mabel Lee Award for the Outstanding Young Physical Educator in the Nation.

     During those years of honor and hard work, Geadelmann also was one of a handful of UNI women faculty tapped as Fellows by an American Council of Education program seeking to encourage female faculty to become administrators. During her Spring 1982 Fellowship at Goucher College in Maryland, Geadelmann prepared to step up from her leadership position as 8-year Lab School P.E. Department Chair to an appointment in 1984 as UNI’s Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. During her four years in this role, she chaired the University Curriculum Committee and helped develop a revised General Education Program; directed UNI’s summer school program; developed UNI’s articulation agreements with community colleges; and established the first campus computer labs.


     Geadelmann at first had no interest in what became her next , even larger, role. Dr. Edward Voldseth held the position of UNI’s Director of Government Relations, an elegant title for the difficult job of state lobbyist. Voldseth urged Geadelmann to apply for the position when he sought to retire, but she declined. However, when the search for his replacement failed, Voldseth came back to her, now with her Provost, James Martin, offering encouragement as well. “Ultimately I took the job because I thought I would be in the cabinet and I would learn a lot” from UNI’s presidential leadership team, Geadelmann explained decades later.


     She actually had foreshadowed this move while at the Lab School in her 1983 article in the Iowa Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Journal titled “Political Action for Physical Educators.” Her impetus was the loss of 45.5 Iowa elementary P.E. positions in 1981-1982 and 46.5 secondary P.E. positions. “We can say, ‘I’m too busy. I don’t have time for that stuff. Politics isn’t for me’,” Geadelmann wrote. “But politics is a part of life, and it is incumbent on us to be responsible participants. It is time for us to move out of the locker-room and into the main hallways, out of the gym and into the community, out of our offices and into the political arena.”


     Her first task was to learn how to be a lobbyist. “It was a boys’ club,” she says of her work lobbying the state legislature. "Lobbyists took legislators to the Des Moines Club or out to dinner and I didn’t drink. So I had to find my own way. I watched and listened. I decided to meet every person. I took husbands and wives out and told them UNI’s story. My way was to give information and listen and provide the information they needed, and I was there first in the morning and was last to leave at night.”


     Geadelmann also worked hard to involve UNI students, faculty, alumni, parents, and the Cedar Falls/Waterloo community in lobbying and advocacy efforts for the University. She was so successful as a lobbyist that, in 1996, her title expanded again. She now became Executive Assistant to the President and Director of External Relations, for beyond state government relations, she had become the first person given the added responsibility of federal relations as well. Through the fruitful relationships she fostered with Iowa’s Congressional delegation, she was able to bring millions of dollars to the University through language directly inserted in federal appropriations bills and reports. These funds helped make possible UNI’s Center for Energy and Environmental Education and its Multi-modal Transportation Center.


     From 2001 to her phased retirement in 2016, Geadelmann’s title was Special Assistant to the President for Board and Government Relations. In all, she assisted four UNI Presidents: Presidents Constantine Curris (1988-1995), Robert Koob (1995-2006), Benjamin Allen (2006-2013), and William Ruud (2013-2016). The Board of Regents plaque given Geadelmann at her retirement gave “public recognition and honor for her extraordinary service and contributions to the Board of Regents, the University of Northern Iowa, its students and families.” The Regents’ “Resolution of Thanks,” credited Geadelmann’s role in helping to bring the following campus additions:

* the new Ross Nielsen Price Laboratory School Field House;
* the Wellness/Recreation Center;
* the Human Performance Center;
* the Business and Community Services Building;
* the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center;
* the Institute of Decision Making;
* the Multi-modal Transportation Center;
* the Iowa Waste Reduction Center;
* the Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center;
* the Seerley Hall renovation;
* the Wright Hall renovation; and
* the four-floor Rod Library addition.

A New Calling


     Since March 2015, Geadelmann has been the Associate Pastor of Care and Visitation at the First Presbyterian Church in Waterloo. “It was something I had talked about for at least 20 years,” she explains. “This was something I felt I had to explore.” When she went to half-time at UNI in the fall of 2000, she served as an assistant minister for a semester. “I knew after a month that this is what I wanted to do.”


     But her father became ill and then died in 2003. This kept her from immediately pursuing ministerial work. Furthermore, no openings existed in the metro area. She applied instead at the United Theological Seminary in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and began to drive there for her studies. In 2004, she earned the Master’s of Divinity degree from the Seminary which describes itself as “intentionally open, socially aware, and theologically adventurous.” No wonder its mission appealed:

​ “Founded as a welcoming, ecumenical school that embraces all denominations and faith traditions, United has been on the cutting edge of progressive theological thought leadership since it was established in 1962. . . . Our passion is equipping leaders to make real, lasting change in the world—whether your vocation is in faith leadership, non-profit leadership, academia, the arts, activism, or social entrepreneurship. . . United continues to train leaders who dismantle systems of oppression, explore multifaith spirituality, and push the boundaries of knowledge.”

     Geadelmann later earned a certificate from the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Guidance. As she neared phased retirement, Geadelmann saw an ad for an assistant pastor at Waterloo’s First Presbyterian Church. She listened to Pastor Amy Wiles’ sermons and then submitted her application. “It has been wonderful,” she says of her current work.​

Looking Back


     At her retirement reception in 2016, UNI President Ruud called Geadelmann a person who never sits down and rests. “We are very, very thankful for having Pat Geadelmann for 43 1⁄2 years,” he said.


     One cannot say which of the expanding rings of Geadelmann’s service has had—and will have—greatest impact. Her dozen years in the Laboratory School’s Physical Education Department enhanced the School’s reputation as a state and national leader. These years helped bring Title IX to all aspects of the School’s P.E. and athletics program.


     “EVERY CHILD HAS THE RIGHT TO THE BEST EDUCATION AT SCHOOL,” begins the 90-page 1980 Lab School P.E. “Curriculum and Achievement Guides for Elementary Education.” “We mustn’t forget,” Geadelmann says, “that the students are the reason we’re all here in the first place.”


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